Friday, April 6, 2012

How Exactly Do Corporations View an Online Master Degree?

It is perhaps only natural to worry a little about the value of an online master degree in this job market. Sure, one might argue that the knowledge they gain is something already, but to most people, what is really important is whether or not the degree is going to be recognised by those they need to recognise it. Just how marketable are graduates of such courses in this intensely competitive job market?

This is an important question, especially given that many people are still wary of the online master degree. A good deal of the suspicion stems from the ever-increasing number of fraudulent activities over the Net and their victims. Unfortunately, this taint spread to the perception of Net-based studies.

That said, matters are a little better now that bodies actually accredit programs. More employers feel better about hiring someone from an online education nowadays, because of this. It helps that many of the members of these accrediting bodies are usually movers and shakers in their respective industries, further strengthening the value of the accreditation they bestow.

That said, HR pros still warn to be careful about the institution you choose for your online course. According to them, majority still hold some form of prejudice against the online options, so you want as recognisable a school as you can get. A reputable institution's prestige can add to your own when the HR people inspect resumes.

The warning is that even accredited schools, if not well-known, can be held suspect. Find a university that has more than accreditation: find one that has a name. The smart route is to select colleges that are both established and accredited.

Entirely Net-based universities are unwise. Generally, it is harder to get a job if your diploma is from such a college. There are always special cases, yet this remains the rule.

Some divergence is also perceptible in how people see the undergrad equivalents of these courses. Recent surveys have shown that there is more of a negative attitude among HR officers for graduates of baccalaureate programs online than for graduates of a master degree online. This indicate that it may be better to get your baccalaureate the conventional way, then go ahead and get your masters online.

Overall, opinions have been changing for the better for online masters graduates. There is less opposition to hiring someone from such a background. However, majority still do consider them less desirable… although that is slowly improving.

Be warned that you must do your part in convincing others that online education does not translate to lower quality graduates. One way to do this would be to stack up years of experience to add to your resume. One might also look for out-of-school activities that can be added to the resume later.

Your first step is in entering the best online master degree program for your field. The student should not shirk extra effort towards determining the ideal program for what he wants. It is wise to expend effort now instead of repining later.