Monday, April 16, 2012

Gaining Leverage With A Masters Degree

There are quite a few types of degrees that are available at graduate schools. The most common degrees pursued by students are master's degrees and doctoral degrees. What makes these two degrees different from each other though?

There are serious commitments required when it comes to work, time and energy regardless of whether you do the masters or the doctoral degree. It can prove to be quite overwhelming though. This is especially the case with students taking on a full course-load while still keeping their current careers.

The chances of getting a raise at work though are improved by a masters degree since it has a stronger career focus. Anyone hoping for a research-rich career would do better with a doctoral degree though. A PhD is a fundamental requirement for becoming a professor.

Someone with a masters degree will get preference over another with only a bachelor's degree though. Knowledge and expertise are increased through this program by people who have been in their jobs for a while. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to attain a masters degree in order to pursue a doctoral degree.

The ability of doctoral degrees to create knowledge is an often undervalued component of these degrees. New information is added to the particular field by students who will be required to perform original research in their doctoral degree. It is the excitement at being able to contribute to the wealth of information in the field of study that draws many to the doctoral degree.

Doctorate degrees take longer to complete than masters degrees. Typical full-time students can attain masters degrees in two years' time. A doctorate degree, however, will take more years than that.

It is a little more costly to get a PhD simply because they take longer to finish before graduation. The great salaries one gets after completing a PhD make them worth pursuing. Students are in agreement that doctorate degrees offer more long term benefits.

There are also different financial aid offerings for the two graduate programs. Students in the masters degree program usually receive less funding, if any. The programs that receive full scholarships most often PhD programs.

The best thing about both degrees is that they allow you to concentrate on areas that really interest you. While the graduate school workload is high, this work is enjoyable because the subject is of interest. The student then naturally wants to complete the course.

There are fewer PhD programs than there are masters degree programs online. People who love learning would be a good fit for the doctoral degree. Anyone looking for career growth path is better suited to a masters degree.